Last week I received some messages while I was skippering in Greece. There was a big storm in Holland and the wind played havoc on the yachts in the marina. Mine included.

The guys put some extra straps on BAIA to ensure she would not tip over (as others did).
Sadly the extra straps on the furling jib didn’t hold and it unfurled and got torn to shreds.

I decided to resign as a skipper in Greece as I wasn’t happy over there (read on my personal blog about that) and to fly back to Holland to inspect BAIA and see if there was any more damage.

Based on a first look all is well and it’s only the headsail and the furling track that need attention. I flew my drone up the forestay and around the mast head and apart from one section of track coming apart all looks good. So I think I had an angel guarding over BAIA as other yachts in the marina were not that lucky.

The plan is now to finish the work on the rudder so that it can be mounted again. And in a couple of days time the service company will make a plan where to install the Schenker ZEN 30 watermater so we can determine the location of the through hulls and install them and do the antifouling paint so BAIA can get back in the water before another storm hits.

I’ll be in The Netherlands for a couple of weeks before flying away again. So we’ll see what the progress is.
It would be nice to go sailing with BAIA when I return in August as my plans are still the same. Head south before winter hits!