Again, sorry. It’s been very busy here and I’ve been unable to write any updates until now. After managing the storm damage I assisted the shipyard in going some work on their projects. As they are very busy and I also want my schedule to be met. So I spent a couple of weeks doing all sorts of interesting work and learned some new skills. From mast rigging, to teak work and dye testing. I had a good time!

Also the work in BAIA steadily progressed as the hull got polished, the winches got maintained, and the work on the rudder progressed, and the watermaker install started.

And then last week happend: I was joining another skipper to do a delivery from the UK to Ireland and due some very bad decisions on his part it went pretty bad, up to force 10 winds out at sea, lots of damage and near loss of life. I’ll write a longer story on this on my personal blog. But It’s made me to reconsider and rethink my own plans with BAIA this fall. More on that later.

Meanwhile the rudder is almost ready to be installed on the boat again and then the final shaping and painting will be done. This is now probably the strongest Bavaria 38 Match rudder in the world.